Wednesday, April 18, 2012

1,461 Days

That's my brother and me.
I think I was probably 2 or 3 there which makes him 6 or 7.
Notice the popped collar he is rockin' :)

1,461 days since I've heard his laugh, seen his smile, rolled my eyes at his craziness, heard him say "I love you" which he always did at the end of a phone call.
Well, except for the last time I spoke to him before he passed away. We actually got in a fight and I yelled at him and then hung up on him.

And even though that really sucks and I hate that that is the last memory he had of me, I know that he knew I loved him so much and that is why I was yelling at him because I wanted him to get help and to realize he needed an intervention.

That intervention he got was the best one anyone can ever get.
He is in Heaven with our Heavenly Father now free of this sinful, painful world we live in.
And for that, I have peace.

I love you Grant and miss you everyday.

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