Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Starburst/Sunburst Tutorial

I know most of you have seen these things e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e., but I love them all the same.
I love that they are from the Eames era and I am wanting to bring in some modern elements into our house and this was the perfect mix of modern and traditional in my opinion.

You can find these starbursts/sunbursts for purchase online for as much as $300!
Um, crazy!

I made this one for $8! Yup, that's all!

Wanna know why?? Because those are bamboo skewers on there. And you can get those at your grocery store for less than $2.

Here is what you'll need:
-pack of 10-12 inch bamboo skewers (I think I used around 90 out of the 100 it came with)
-Round 6 inch mirror (got this at Michael's)
-6 inch brass ring (also from Michael's)
-hot glue gun
-super glue
-some sort of round backing...I used cardboard and cut it to size using the mirror as my guide

It's a simple process really. A lot of tutorials out there get all technical and measure and draw their lines on the cardboard as their guide, but I don't work like that.
I probably should be a little technical in my crafting, but I usually wing it and it works out most of the time.

Just hot glue the skewers (the pointed side will be glued onto the cardboard). I started with a North, South, East, and West and then filled it in. For the shorter sizes, I simply just broke the skewer where I wanted to. It was much easier than cutting them I found.

Here is what it looks like:
(sorry for the iPhone quality)
See, nothing fancy but it worked!

After you do this you glue the mirror on top of that mess.
I also glued the brass ring on top of the mirror. Super glue was used for that as the hot glue wasn't doing the trick.

Here is the finished product after a coat of black spray paint:

There are more detailed tutorials out there if you Google it or look them up on Pinterest, but it's quite simple.

I used Velcro Command Strips to attach it to the wall.

What do you think? My husband wasn't sure at first, but once it was on the wall in the master he liked it!

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