Friday, May 24, 2013

Pregnancy Questionnaire: 16 Weeks

Love these maternity cropped jeans I got at Old Navy and this tank top.  I think tank tops will be all I wear all Summer long.  Can you see how long my hair is in the back??  Thank you pre-natals :)  I have been feeling great this week and hope it continues! Finally feeling more like myself...well, as much as you can anyways and ready to feel some movement or flutters to reassure my baby is in there and well! This stage is kind of hard in my opinion because you feel good and almost not pregnant so it will be nice to feel the baby move for sure.  I am trying my best to not be anxious...I am not very good at that.  So much in fact that I have had high blood pressure a couple of times.  I finally got my self to relax and think happy thoughts and got a normal read.  I think the nurse at my doctor's office thinks I am a little crazy haha.  
Looking forward to our appointment on Tuesday so I can hear that precious heartbeat again!

How far along: 16 weeks and 1 day!

Size of baby: The size of a turnip according to my What to Expect app :)

Maternity clothes: I definitely am in all maternity pants.  I do have a Bella Band, but it isn't that comfortable in my opinion and I feel like I constantly am having to readjust it and make sure it is covering my unzipped zipper.

Stretch marks: Not yet! And I would love for it to stay that way!

Sleep: I seem to be sleeping a little better, but Erik has been dealing with some nasty heartburn (not me thankfully) and it wakes me up and I have had a hard time falling back to sleep.  I do wake up some on my back and readjust to my side.  I may need to get a pillow or something to keep me from rolling onto my back.

Best moment this week:  Feeling like I actually look more like I have a bun in the oven as opposed to a bloated stomach.

Movement: Not yet.

Food cravings/aversions: I still like sweets a lot and can't really eat chicken unless it is covered in cheese haha.

Gender: Don't know yet.  Our appointment is June 21st! HURRY UP JUNE!

Labor signs: None, but obviously WAY too soon for that business.

Belly button - in or out? Still in...

What I miss: I don't really miss anything.

What I am looking forward to: The hubbs painting the nursery next weekend while I am in Memphis photographing a wedding with Erin and then having our glider arrive.  Anxious to get all the furniture ready for when my mom comes so we can start on the fun details of the room :)

What I am looking forward to: The hubbs painting the nursery next weekend while I am in Memphis photographing a wedding with Erin and then having our glider arrive.  Anxious to get all the furniture ready for when my mom comes so we can start on the fun details of the room :)


  1. You look great! It seems like it took me forever to feel anything too while people behind me were feeling it a lot. Now Little Baby won't stop kicking me! Enjoy the quiet sleeping while you got it ;) High blood pressure is nothing to mess with-- I hope it goes down on its own, but I understand the anxiety :)

    1. Thank you!
      I know for sure the high blood pressure was because of me being worked up. It was obvious in the crazy fluctuations in the readings and so the doc isn't worried.

    2. Btw Laura, I had a doctor's appointment after this post and no high blood pressure! It must have just been a one time thing because I was anxious for whatever reason!
