Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pregnancy Questionnaire- 24 Weeks

I feel very matronly in this outfit ha and I feel like I look older.  And of course a little chubbier...but, I am not complaining.  I am thankful for this baby growing inside of me and I can always lose the weight afterwards! I seriously will have to join some sort of Baby Boot Camp to motivate myself.  I am feeling great and actually enjoy seeing how my belly grows from week to week.  It is funny that I thought I was so large at 16 weeks and then I see the pic and realize I wasn't.  I am sure I will say the same thing about this picture when I am full term :-P

How far along: 24 weeks!!

Size of baby: The size of an ear of corn according to my What to Expect app and apparently Nolan weighs a pound and a half! Crazy!

Maternity clothes: All maternity clothes for sure!

Stretch marks: No stretch marks on my belly...but, I may have a few in other places :-/

Sleep: This week I have woken up a ton to use the restroom.  But thankfully I fall back to sleep quickly.

Best moment this week:  I guess the fact that Nolan is "viable" now. Of course I do not want him coming any time soon, but it is comforting to know that if he does he has a much greater chance of surviving.

Movement: He has been moving a TON! It is so much fun and so crazy all at the same time.  Since I have an anterior placenta the kicks aren't as strong, but definitely can feel them.  

Food cravings/aversions: I crave a lot of fruit and cheese.  I could eat string cheese multiple times a day but I try to keep it to one :)

Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!! Nolan Blaine!

Labor signs: No Braxton Hicks or anything yet.

Belly button - in or out? Still in, but it is getting more stretched out for sure...especially at the end of the day.

What I miss: Not missing much, this is all so exciting to miss anything!

What I am looking forward to: Well I have my 24 week appointment tomorrow and I get to take the glucose test..not excited about that, but looking forward to hearing Nolan's heartbeat and being reassured all is well with our little man :)

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