Monday, September 16, 2013

Pregnancy Questionnaire: 32 Weeks

I am actually starting my 33rd week so this is a little late, but the picture was taken at 32 weeks.

How are we this far along already?? I swear this pregnancy has flown by.  It seems the days go slowly, but the weeks go fast.  We are in the single digit countdown which is very exciting! We have one more baby shower this weekend and then it is the waiting game! I will busy myself with getting all of the clothes washed and put away and probably just hang out in the nursery a lot imagining little Nolan our home.  So crazy!

How far along: 32 weeks in picture, but in 33rd week now! Single digit countdown...holla!!

Size of baby: The size of a head of honeydew according to my What to Expect app and weighing in at 4.5 lbs also according to the app. That is a lot of growth in 2 weeks! 

Maternity clothes: Does it look like I could fit in regular clothes?? I don't think so ha!

Stretch marks: No stretch marks on my belly...but, I may have a few in other places :-/

Sleep: Eh.  Not so much.  I think I get up to use the bathroom about 6 times a night and then I have trouble going back to sleep and getting comfortable.  It isn't fun, but again, I can take naps so it's all good!

Best moment this week:  Feeling hiccups for the first time! So much fun

Movement: Lots of movement and it makes this momma happy happy happy!

Food cravings/aversions: SWEETS

Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!! Nolan Blaine!

Labor signs: I don't have labor signs really, but I think I have had some Braxton Hicks.  Not painful, but definitely have felt by stomach tighten up and get really hard.

Belly button - It's basically not an innie or outie :)

What I miss: I do miss a good night's sleep and I know I probably won't have another one for the next 18 years or so :-P

What I am looking forward to: Our baby shower this weekend and seeing family that is coming into town for it! Oh and our maternity session is Sunday! PRAYING FOR COOLER WEATHER!

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