Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My 3 Month Old

"Enjoy every moment, time flies!" You hear that saying constantly when pregnant and when your baby arrives and you simply smile and say you will.  But seriously, time is flying way too fast for this mama.  I am still getting use to the fact that I am a mom and that I have a son, but a three month old?? That seems way too hard to be true.  These last couple of weeks have been amazing as our little boy has learned so much! His cry is even more of a baby cry than that of a newborn.  He can roll from tummy to back, hold on to toys, laugh, fall asleep on his own without having to be rocked (sigh), and so much more.

Being a parent is hands down the most amazing thing ever.  When I walk in the room and Nolan flashes that gummy grin at me as if to say, "Hey mom, I am happy to be your baby" it melts me into a million pieces.  I pretty much have to force myself not to sob out of thankfulness every day.  My life is so fulfilled and so much brighter because of this tiny human.  And my life was pretty fantastic before he was here! 

Here are some of his three month photos I took today.  I know everyone says it about their own, but he really is the most beautiful baby on the planet.

1 comment:

  1. Wow your baby has the sweetest smile!! I literally smiled each time I looked at his sweet face! Congrats on your 3 month old, lots of smiles to come!


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